Butterfly Wrangle - June 5 & 6, 2021 results


From L to R: Doug 2nd place, Laurie 3rd place and top woman, Paul 1st place. 

June 5th update from the National Butterfly Association: After five races in all kinds of conditions, we have Paul leading Doug. I believe the difference is less than a point. Tomorrow's racing should be good.

June 6th: White Rock Lake flooded and there were no further races. Congratulations to everyone who participated!

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 2021 Wrangle Regatta

June 5 - 6   White Rock Lake


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11-16-2019 Racing

                                                                                                                                           by Burton

Miss all my sailing friends!
The sun popped out shortly before 10 on this morning, with temperatures rising to 55-60 for the duration of sailing. Wind came out of the Southeast at 10 mph for the first warning signal, declining to 6 at the finish of race 3. Yours truly and Laurie served on race committee with an assist from John on setting up the course.

John led the entire first race, until Nancy saw something on the Western shore which she drove right to the finish line for a narrow victory. Marshall, Miles and Monica finished 3rd through 5th. Nancy parlayed her confidence from race 1 to a narrow  victory in races 2 and 3. In other words, Nancy ruled the day with 3 bullets!

It was a splendid day to be on the lake.

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11-24-2018 Racing

                                                                                                                                               by Burton

The day started slowly with a 3-5 knot breeze out of the South Southwest at 10:15 A.M. By 10:35 the wind laid down and Nancy, Miles, Jim and yours truly struggled to cross the starting line on time.

The race committee ran a W and two W 1 1/2”s. Nancy led start to finish in each of the first 2 races. Jim made an impressive recovery on the left side of the course in race 1 to finish second.

Larry and Laurie provided excellent committee duty and helped make it a wonderful day to be sailing at White Rock Lake.

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11-17-2018 Racing

                                                                                                                                                 by Burton

Saturday was a magnificent day for sailing Butterflys. Sandy and John provided excellent committee duty and took the trouble to weigh anchor and cruise the course when the wind picked up to a level conducive to sailors in the water and masts in the mud.

Everyone kept their masts pointed at the sky for the duration. Sailors this day included Gary, Miles, Laurie, Nancy, Jim and yours truly. Nancy won the second race by 3 feet in a very close finish with this reporter. It was a lovely day to be a sailor.

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Great Day for Sailing; Not So Good for Racing

Saturday, 10 November was a pleasant day to go out on the lake.  The sun shined brightly and the lake was calm. 
We had a race committee , but not enough fleet members showed up make a race.  I ventured out for a recreational sail and  Gary went out for a ride in the rescue boat.  The wind was light and highly variable. 
The Snipe Fleet (including Nancy) raced, subject to light air and radical changes in wind direction.  But, after so much unfavorable weather it was good to sail again.

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CSC State Fair 10/6/2018

more photos         photos by Steve Bell                                                            by Cathy                       
complete results                                                                                       
Nancy takes 1st place in the Butterfly. 
Marshall takes 2nd place in the Butterfly.
Burton takes 3rd place in the Butterfly.

Don and Paul take 3rd place in the Flying Scot.

Doug takes 2nd in the Laser. Photo by Monica.

Look at those beautiful clouds! Photo by Monica.
Participation was good for the CSC State Fair and the weather cooperated, turning into a beautiful day with a nice steady breeze (8-12 mph) from the southeast.  We had seven sailing the Butterfly with Paul sailing with the Flying Scots and Doug sailing the Laser. 

Monica was on race committee and did a great job notifying us of changes on the race course. So glad the PRO changed that W-3 to a W-2 for the rest of the races.  

With 5 Snipes, 7 Butterflys, and 10 Lasers on the course it did seem a bit crowded at times but as racing continued it seemed we got more used to sharing the course. Congratulations to the winners and all those who participated.

Hope this is the start of a lot of great fall sailing! 

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Flooding at White Rock Lake - Part 2

   More photos from the flood                                                                                                  by Cathy

Flooding at White Rock Lake - Part 1 was originally written on 11/29/2015. There are several links there and some historical information about the flooding along the creek. Back then I didn't think it would flood at Northwest Highway, Lawther, and Buckner. That area has been improved with a higher bridge but with this last record breaking flood on 9/22/2018 that area did flood.

Butterfly pads were not prepared for the record breaking flood - on 9/22/2018.
We drill holes through the dock and put in poles or we attach lines to the stern and weight them. All to try to keep boats in place during floods. We may have a couple of floods a year but this time we had a record breaking flood and boats did not stay in place. At least we did not have any Butterflys which came untied and drifted into other part of the lake. That did happen to a few boats and also a toolbox.

The water was much higher than we've ever seen it. 

There is lots of clean-up being done at the boat clubs at the lake. Most boats seem okay and with a little bit of lifting the Butterflys are back in their pads. Thank you to all who helped.

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Flooding at White Rock Lake - Part 1

 Originally posted on 11/29/2015                                                                                             by Cathy

It's been a record year for flooding at the White Rock lake boat clubs (4 times), due to North Texas's wettest year on record.  Surely this will be the last flood of the year until spring rolls around.  Earlier this year we had the wettest May in Dallas-Ft. Worth history.  35 trillion gallons - enough to cover all of Texas in 8 inches of water.  It's nice to see the lake fill up . . . but this is too much of a good thing.

During heavy rains at night, it's become second nature to wake up and check the Corinthian Sailing Club harbor cam to see if the water has come up over the docks.  Usually the water is about 4 feet below the boats and a walk-way can be seen to the right.  If the walk-way is under water then White Rock Boat Club docks will also be under water and we will need to clean-up once the water recedes.   CSC webcam

Another interesting thing to check is the NOAA White Rock Creek Flood gauge.  This is upstream of the lake but if it floods in the creek then flooding at the lake cannot be far behind.  This also forecasts when the water level will drop.  NOAA White Rock Creek at Greenville Ave. flood gauge  

Here is a very detailed report from 1963, discussing some of the major floods to that point with some analysis of the flooding that occurs.  Things haven't changed much except Northwest Highway at Lawther and Buckner is now high enough that it doesn't flood.  Floods on White Rock Creek

Yesterday I walked around the lake and took some photos since there was no sailing.  It was chilly but invigorating and the pictures tell the story as the water was receding.  Unfortunately at the moment, the water is rising again.

White Rock Lake boat club as the water begins to recede but still unsafe to venture out on the docks. 

Lots of water pouring over the spillway.

On the path near the Arboretum, lots of trash left behind as the water recedes.

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7-21-2018 No Racing

                                                                                                                                                    by Cathy

This is racing from last week - a perfect day. This week, not so much. 
We were warned by Jim that it was going to be hot so we needed to be ready to start at 10:30. Dallas is under an excessive heat warning until 7pm Sunday. Five of us rigged and were ready to go while Nancy and John headed out to set the course. Unfortunately after throwing in the first mark, the committee boat died and started drifting to shore. John called Jim who suggested throwing the anchor out. I'm going to have to remember that.

My boat was half off the dock and fully rigged so I figured at least I'd get to sail around a little. Everyone else was in the same situation so we all went out with a few of us taking some paddles to the committee boat. I actually didn't realize how hard it is to sail with a long paddle sticking out of the cockpit. Meantime we all sailed around in circles while Larry jumped on the committee boat to see if he could determine the problem.

Maybe he took some instrument to check the battery but the battery in that died. Or something like that. I'm not sure I got all the story straight but in the final analysis the committee boat was towed back to the boat club by the rower's motor boat. Then there was some problem with the rower's motor boat so we found them a zip tie.

I was one of the first to head in as I realized it was gusty and shifty and having only sailed 2 times this year, I was not really prepared for that amount of wind. Plus it wasn't like the committee boat was going to be able to rescue us if we had a problem. Now from the CSC site I see that there was a 23 mph gust that went through at 10:53 am. That's probably what convinced me.

Larry was next and tied up to the dock but then his painter broke and his boat drifted around in the harbor. I thought it was going to shore but apparently the boom vang and/or main sheet was still cleated a little so fortunately the boat sailed back to Larry, then back out because we didn't bring the hook in time, then back in again where Larry and Miles grabbed it. This whole thing was beginning to be kind of funny and as it got hotter and hotter and it had been so gusty, maybe it all worked out for the best that we didn't sail.

Larry was left trying to figure out the problem with the motor boat and the rest of us probably headed straight to air conditioning! I know I did.

Update from Miles: BTW- Kudo's to Larry for repairing the boat yesterday.  Seemed to by a burnt fuse or something.  I'm glad Larry knows how to fix things because I sure don't.

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7-14-2018 Racing

more photos                                                                                                                               by Cathy

Sandy and Burton in a close finish in the last race.
We had a nice 5-10 mph breeze with wind mostly from the SE and 6-7 sailors out to enjoy the day. Gary and I had race committee. He is so expert that it was an easy day for me just to enjoy watching the sailors and listen to Gary's play by play.

In the first two races the sailors finished in the exact same order with Paul, Burton, and Sandy taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The shifts settled down a little as the day went by but in the 2nd race with the lightest air a few sailors got stuck at the windward mark for a bit. We broke for lunch and Gary mentioned that around 1:00 the wind tends to pick up. It did so we headed back out.

That last race mixed things up quite a bit with some very close races. Sandy and Burton changed places a few times with Sandy taking 1st place and Burton 2nd. Then Larry and Jim also had a close race with Larry 3rd and Jim 4th.

I had not been out in awhile so it was great to see how well everyone was sailing. Lots of practice goes into this from boat handling to playing the shifts. Racing is fun even if you aren't competitive. And for beginners, racing improves your sailing skills quickly.  Plus it's always cooler on the lake!

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Butterfly Wrangle

                                                                                                                                                                       by Paul

Photo from 5/26 - Snipes in the distance. Hope the Wrangle is a perfect day with wind but not too much!
Gary, Jim and Miles did get one race in this morning in very light air before there was a little thunder and lightning around and we abandon right after the start of the second race. 

The NOR and registration are open for the wrangle regatta next weekend, please do the registration online as quick as possible to try and get a headcount for lunch and drinks.

ASAP. T-shirts are included and I guess I’ll just duplicate last years order. 

I know the wind and weather gods have not been favorable for racing so far this year, everybody please pray for enough wind but not too much on June 2nd and 3rd. 

Registration is linked through the CSC website.         NOR            Registration

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4-29-2018 No Racing

                                                                                                                                           by Cathy

As can be seen from the photo, it's a gorgeous day. Just one problem. No wind. And this after lots of Saturdays with too much wind.

Commodore's Cup last weekend was windy, stormy, then actually pretty good in the afternoon on Saturday, then windy again on Sunday. Paul, Marshall, and Jim made it out for various races with Paul placing 1st, Marshall 2nd, and Jim 3rd. Heard Paul started late when he realized Marshall was out there and still managed to catch up. And rumor had it Jim sailed down to see if anyone was sailing on Sunday. Heck no, too windy for the Butterflys. At least those guys got in some sailing. Good for them! 

Goldilocks: When will the wind be just right?

Don't know the answer to that but it has to happen eventually!

Happy birthday to Paul.

Wish we'd had some good sailing weather for him but missing the essential ingredient, the Butterflys called it a day but according to Paul did "accomplish retiring this old boat permanently".

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3-3-2018 Racing

                                                                                                                                                    by Cathy

Sandy, Gary, and Doug on the starting line of the first race.

Nice warm March day with SE wind 10-15. The wind picked up after awhile and it was very shifty according to the sailors. It was a great day to be out on the lake. We had 5 Butterfly sailors off and on. It was surprising that more did not turn out for such a nice day.

It was gusty and shifty enough that we had one capsize. Nancy, Ken, and I handled it pretty well, considering we are not that expert. We got the sailor up using the nice new ladder and between the 4 of us righted the Butterfly and then the sailor could easily step in and sail away. It is always a good idea to put a bottle on the top of the mast to keep the mast from getting stuck in the mud. Or the flotation device designed for the Butterfly can be used. If the boat does get stuck then the chances of the sailor being able to get the boat up are slim and once in the boat - at least everyone is safe and there are extra hands on deck to help with the sailboat recovery.

Doug won every race with Gary and Sandy trading places for 2nd and 3rd. Great to see Miles and Joyce out and Joyce was catching up at the end. Small piece of advice: pull that sail in more to point higher when going upwind.

Joyce, start of the 2nd race, Miles in the background.

Race committee - Ken managing the anchor. 

Race committee - Nancy after setting up on the finish line.

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Pad Assignments

                                                                                                                                                       by Paul

Jim installing his stand and roller on his new pad.
Hello Fleet 20,

Hopefully we’ll get to race again soon but in the meantime WRBC has finished the East pad and it looks awesome!

Jim and I moved our boats over today which appears to be the last decent day for a while, all the bowline ties are installed (thank you Bradley!).

The only thing I felt needed to be changed was the space at the end on the South facing boats (mine’s on the end) to make sure there was enough space to sit for hoisting sails, departing and coming back into the dock. I think I’ve left enough space but it makes it a little tighter for each spot moving down the line. 

Paul's Butterfly with space to sit on the edge.
We also have enough room to leave at least 1 foot between your transom (when tied down) and the end of the dock so that we can walk our boats easily back and forth to the end. Hopefully this Saturday it will warm up enough for racing and moving some or all of the boats over!

One other thing is there wasn’t enough interest in the Laser’s rock the ice regatta so were planning on just having fleet racing on Jan. 27th. 

Hope to see everyone soon on the starting line, 

Your Fleet 20 Captain

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