2-19-11 RACING

by Pam

There was no shortage of wind on Saturday. We had the promise of warm temperatures and sun but, while the weather was not unpleasant, it never quite turned as pretty as expected.

There were bunches of college kids buzzing around on 420s which put our course on the far shore. Then the Snipes came out to play a little windward of the two courses. We had to stop once to rescue a capsized Snipe. We got to the Snipe to find the crew hanging from the centerboard in soaking wet designer jeans. Fortunately, we’re well trained on quick rescues and had them up and heading for dry clothes without missing a beat on our course.

We didn’t have the greatest turnout on our course but the diehard regulars were there and got a good workout. Sandy got two bullets and Bruce got one. Frank had 2s all day and Burton had 4s. Brad was doing a great job of hanging in there in the wind.

Doug and I had duty and chased the fleet, snapping pictures and taking videos of everything. Doug was particularly interested in sail trim, especially with the new sails. The small fleet made it easy to keep an eye on everyone and allow Doug to buzz around gathering information.

Here are links to new pictures that have been uploaded to our photo albums for the last couple of Saturdays as well as Doug’s sail trim observations.

2-19-11 Pics
2-12-11 Pics
Sail Trim Pics

Sunday found Doug and I on a 32 footer at Ray Hubbard where Doug continued his sail trim observations. One tack put the leeward life lines under water. Silly Laser sailor tried to roll tack a keel boat. The things we do for research. Look for his next postings on sail trim, heeling, catching and spilling wind and his secret go fast trick for a Butterfly.

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