4-9-11 RACING
at 4.12.2011
by Pam
It isn't everyday you get video of a girl driving a committee boat and t-boning a lawyer at the helm of his new sailboat. Doug and I replayed that about a dozen times and laughed just as hard each time. Welcome to my world. You hang out with Doug long enough and he'll push you so far out of your comfort zone that you'll want to throw up at times. At least when I ran right up the stern and into the cockpit of another Laser sailor I was in a sailboat. It still felt horrible. Luckily he was as forgiving and understanding as Sandy. I'm glad everyone was okay.
So, I missed the day but hear there was no sailing except for Sandy and Shaun with Amber and Doug doing some filming. Doug also came back with a few interviews from fleet members. All the girls said they love the Butterfly because they can do it by themselves. And Burton, at the end of his video, insisted he is a man. Oh what interesting little snippets you gave me to string together.
I heard the fleet met and has decided to put in a bid for the Butterfly Nationals to be held June 11-12. Woohoo!
Videos and pictures will be uploaded soon. The new camera takes such impressive videos, that I won't be uploading last week's videos because they now look outdated. By the way, the picture above was a screen shot captured from a video. Cool!