Butterfly Fleet 20, White Rock Lake, Dallas, Texas
(Revised April 2011)

RULES The races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. The following Butterfly Class Rules (see will not apply:
          SAILS - 2. Only one sail shall be used in a ... race series.

ELIGIBILITY Skippers of boats regularly competing in this series shall be members in good standing of the Dallas Butterfly Fleet 20 and either the White Rock Boat Club or Corinthian Sailing Club. Guests may race in a series race on singular occasions, but will not be ranked as a competitor for scoring purposes.

ENTRIES An eligible boat that sails in the vicinity of the starting area after the warning signal, or an eligible boat that starts, will be ranked as a competitor for that race. Three or more competing boats are required for a race to be scored.

NOTICES TO COMPETITORS Notices to competitors will be posted on the entrance door to White Rock Boat Club by 9:30 A.M. during the spring, summer and fall series and by 11:00 A.M. during the winter series.

SCHEDULE OF RACES Race days will be those Saturdays listed on the fleet duty schedule. No more than three races will be held on each race day.

For the spring, summer and fall series, the warning signal for the first race will be at 10:30 A.M. and the second race will follow as soon as possible after the finish of the first race. There may be a lunch break after the finish of the second race and prior to the third race.

For the winter series, the warning signal for the first race will be at 12:00 noon, and the second race will follow as soon as possible after the finish of the first race. There may be a short break after the finish of the second race and prior to the third race.

The fleet Race Chairman will be the final authority on cancellations due to weather or time limitation. In the absence of the Race Chairman, the authority will rest with the Fleet Captain, Secretary Treasurer, or Race Committee in that order.

COURSES A course designation and any numeric course modifier will be displayed by the Race Committee prior to the warning signal. Course designators are: T - Triangle, O - Olympic, W - Windward/Leeward and G - Gold Cup. Numeric modifiers designate the number of times the course is to be rounded. The attached diagrams show the courses.

MARKS Marks will be movable orange spheres. The movable blue sphere defines the finishing line if a committee is not on station at a finish.

THE START The starting line will be between a nearby mark of the course and a staff displaying an orange flag on the Race Committee boat. Races will be started using rule 26 with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the starting signal. If there is more than one start, the Race Committee will designate the starting order for each class and the starting signal of one class will be coincident with the warning signal of the next. The Butterfly class flag is the numeral pennant corresponding to her starting order.

A boat shall not start later than five minutes after her starting signal.

INDIVIDUAL RECALLS Individual recalls shall be in accordance with rule 29.1. In addition, the committee will attempt to hail the offending boat(s). Failure to hail, or competitor not hearing hail, shall not be allowed as means for redress.

CHANGE OF COURSE AFTER THE START To change the next leg of the course, the Race Committee will move the original mark or finishing line to a new position. If practical, the Race Committee will signal boats in accordance with rule 33. This changes rule 33.

THE FINISH If a Race Committee boat is on station, it will display a blue flag and the finishing line will be between a nearby mark of the course and a staff displaying an orange flag on the Race Committee boat.

If a Race Committee boat is not on station, a boat shall take her own finishing order. If a movable blue sphere is nearby, the finishing line will be between the last mark of the course and the movable blue sphere. If no movable blue sphere is nearby, the finishing line will be a line through the last mark of the course perpendicular to the course from the previous mark of the course and of the shortest possible length. This replaces the US SAILING prescription to rule 34.

TIME LIMIT The time limit for the first boat to finish will be one and one-half hours from the starting signal. Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat will be scored DNF. This changes rule 35.

PROTESTS A protesting boat shall notify the Race Committee that a protest will be lodged within 30 minutes after the committee boat docks at the close of races for the day. Rule 61.2 is rescinded so that a written protest is not required. Protests will be held at White Rock Boat Club.

RACE SCORING A competitor will be awarded points on a descending scale with the race winner receiving 6 points plus 1 point for each boat that ranks as a competitor. Each subsequent finisher will receive 1 point less than the previous finisher. An OCS, DNF, RAF, DSQ or DNS will receive 6 points and a DNC no points. If boats are tied at the finishing line, the points for the place for which the boats have tied shall be awarded to each. The place(s) immediately below shall be unfilled. (Example: Boats tied for 1st place would both be given 1st place and the next boat would be given 3rd place.) Rules A5, A6, A10 and A11 also apply.

A skipper who serves on Race Committee for a race will be awarded points for that race as follows: seven points plus the “average finishing position" factor (P) of the skipper multiplied by the number of competitors, rounded to the nearest integer.

If approved by the Fleet Captain, points will be awarded to a skipper who attends an out of town regatta as if that skipper had served on committee on the weekend of the regatta.

SERIES SCORING There are four quarterly series:

Winter - December, January, and February
Spring - March, April and May
Summer - June, July and August
Fall - September, October, November

In each series, two thirds (rounded to the nearest integer) of the number of races sailed is the number of highest scoring races to sum for a skipper's series score.

If there is a tie between two or more boats in a series, the scores of all the races in the series in which all the tied boats were competitors will be summed for each boat, and the tie shall be broken in favor of the boat(s) with the higher sum. If a tie still exists, then the boats shall be awarded the place for which they have tied and the places(s) immediately below shall be unfilled. (Example: Boats tied for 1st place would both be given 1st place and the next boat would be given 3rd place.)

PRIZES For each series, trophies will be awarded for the first three places, for top woman, and for top junior (of age seventeen or less at the conclusion of the series). Only one trophy will be awarded to an individual skipper in the order listed above. A junior skipper who has won two top junior trophies or has placed twice in the top five overall will not be eligible for the top junior trophy.

A "Fleet Champion" permanent trophy will be awarded the skipper with the highest total points due to racing during the period of December 1 of the previous year through November 31 of the current year. In addition, the winning skipper will receive the Bob Biegler Perpetual Trophy (presented to the fleet by Ko Uyeda).

CALCULATING FACTOR P At the conclusion of each yearly series, four quarterly series beginning December 1, an “average finishing position” factor (P) will be calculated for each skipper.

The "average finishing position" factor (P) for a skipper is calculated as follows: over the preceding 12 month period, sum the points awarded the skipper due to racing in series races. From this sum subtract seven times the number of races in which the skipper competed. Divide the result by the sum of the number that ranked as competitors in those races to obtain P.

If a skipper has sailed in 26 or more races in the preceding yearly series, then the factor (P), based on that yearly series, will apply during the next yearly race series.

If a skipper had sailed in fewer than 26 races in the previous yearly series then the new factor (P), based on the recently completed series, will apply retroactively to that series.

If a skipper had sailed less than 26 races in the previous yearly series and less than 3 races during the recently completed series, the most previous factor (P) will be used.


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