at 12.05.2009
by Pam
Congratulations Sandy!! Sandy is our 2009 Butterflyer of the Year. He was a sailing maniac this year. Out of just over 100 races that we raced, Sandy won the Summer series (33 races) and the Fall series (29 races), took second in the Spring series (18 races) and thrid in the winter series (12 races). He placed fourth in the Lake Championship behind three Flying Scots and won the Portmouth fleet in the Leukemia Cup. Sandy was very honored to receive the perpetual trophy and to be able to add his name to those engraved on the trophy which represent some of the Butterfly fleet's finest. An honor well deserved. He thanked the fleet for the pleasure of racing against us each week.
The following Saturday series winners were also awarded:
12/07/2009 10:39 AM
For the record;
In the Spring Series Bruce and Sandy tied for first place. The old tie breaker of Total points in a series favored Sandy. The new approach for breaking ties is by who won the most when they sailed against each other in that series. In only a few of their races did they compete against each other, Bruce won the most of these.