By Pam

Wow! What a weekend. Butterfly racing on Saturday with about 10 of the regulars showing up. We got in two good races before lunch and barely squeezed in a third as the breeze died. Peter and I trolled the lake for floating logs during the first two races and pulled a few and left several tied to WRBC's dock for later retrieval. Amber came out for a visit looking for where to put her new boat that is supposed to arrive just in time for the Wrangle and helped out with the log hauling. Doug jumped on with Peter and I during the third race and gave us a little coaching on wind shifts. I'm overwhelmed with how much is second nature to him and how much I still have to learn.

At the same time that we were sailing on Saturday, CSC was running the Area F qualifiers for the U.S. Women's Championship. Sunday started off with me and Doug serving duty for the last few races for the qualifiers with more play by play and coaching. Our own Butterflyer, Bowman, was competing. Well done Bowman! Very impressive to be out there giving it a go. I believe Lynette and her team from Fort Worth won the event. Bowman is becomming quite the well-rounded and experienced sailor and will be competing in a J/22 event next weekend. Good luck Bowman!

Sunday ended with Doug and I hauling the previous day's log catch to the boat ramp and trolling for more. It was a very productive day with many hazards on the North end of the lake being pulled to the boat ramp. A big thank you to Ennis for coming to my rescue and bandaging me up when I fell through the dock at the boat ramp, raking my shin across a couple of rusty nails. Thank goodness I had a current Tetnus shot.