12/18/10 RACING
at 12.21.2010
by Pam
Bruce won the first two races and Gary got the last one. We handicapped Doug by putting him in a fleet boat with a short tiller extension and also put a camera in his hands. It didn't work. He had promised to stay behind me but just couldn’t help himself. He also just couldn’t help himself on the start line and pushed Bruce over early. He tried to be a good guest Butterflyer but it appears that you can take the sailor off a Laser but it’s hard to the Laser out of the sailor. We still need to work on his Butterfly manners.
I’m wondering if CSC has as much excitement on their docks pre-race like we do at WRBC. We really need to get a dock cam to capture these moments that seem to occur almost weekly. I think we could win one of those funniest video contests. Doug, being bad mannered again, sees Tom about to board his boat and announces that he needs to get his camera ready because Tom is going to fall in. Seconds later … yep … video moment. Bad Doug. So as I sailed away from the docks, Tom was standing there dripping wet, Doug was a little behind me and I heard him holler and looked back to see his main sheet tangled on the docks with him frantically trying to untangle himself as the wind started to catch the sail and then as I round the corner I see Miles stopped and hanging from docks making some sort of repair. I thought, Lord help me, I fit right in with this bunch. It made me smile.